HIPAA Compliant FTP Sites For Medical Transcriptionist
No Contract - cancel at any time
No limit to number of users
No predetermined space limitation
No predetermined transfer limit
What is an FTP site? It's a secure way to transfer files over the Internet.
Medical transcriptionists use FTP sites to have their doctors send them digital audio files over the Internet.
Many transcriptionists also use the FTP site to send transcribed documents back to their doctors. Our FTP sites use SSL encryption and other tools
so your file transfers are secure and HIPAA compliant. We have been providing the transcription community with secure reliable FTP sites for over ten years.
Exclusive MTFTP.com features!
- 5 Min FTP Site Activation 24/7 365 Days Per Year
- 24/7 Phone support. Call 614-431-2300 or 800-351-8009 anytime for support or pre-sales questions
Easily give a user access to another user's folder. This is VERY useful to medical transcriptionists.
Now you quickly and easily give a transcriptionist access to one or many doctor's folders.
This allows you to easily assign work to your staff and easily make adjustments as needed.
- Email notification when a user uploads or downloads a file.
Our robust system allows you to select which of your users will receive an email notification
when a particular user uploads or downloads a file. You can even edit what the email will say and who it will be from.
- Web-based, real time FTP usage reports - our powerfull reporting tool shows who downloaded, uploaded, & deleted what files and when
- Simple, pay only for what you use, pricing
- Printable invoices and receipts available online
Tools For HIPAA Compliance
- 128 bit Encrypted ( SSL ) uploads and downloads at no additional costs. To use SSL encryption, the FTP client software you use must support it ( FileZilla, Voyager, and Cute FTP do ).
We have an option to require your users to use SSL encryption. Our free online FTP client always uses SSL encryption.
- Each user gets his own user id and password
- Users logon directly to their subdirectory. They only 'see' their files.
- Servers are firewall protected to protect your files
- Servers are located in a restricted access locked facility
More FTP Site Features
- Web-based Site Administrator - Online User Administrator, create your own users and more 24/7
- Web-based access to your FTP site - free web-based FTP client for you and your users
- Unlimited Users
- No pre-set space limitations or transfer allocation
- High-end state-of-the-art server facility - 99.9% up-time
Additional FTP Site Supported Features
- Resume inturrupted file transfers
- Option to auto-delete users on a specified date
- You specify whether a user has upload, download, or delete rights
- XCRC command support to verify downloaded file matches file on server
Click here to purchase an FTP site.
Have additional questions? Email us at Info@MTFTP.com or
call our 24/7 support line 614-431-2300 or 800-351-8009.